The Jewish voice FOR WORKING

Please join us at 7 PM on 12/3 at the Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia, 2100 Arch Street, 8th Floor for a conversation that will include an update on the fight from Senator Leach himself along with an opportunity for Q & A. Senator Daylin Leach has been leading the charge in Harrisburg for legislation that ensures a living wage for all Pennsylvanians by raising the state minimum wage to $15. Dinner will be available.

Director's Page

Alice Hoffman was a force of nature, she was a woman who dedicated her life to the labor movement and the pursuit of social justice. Her...

Social Actions

The Jewish Labor Committee often engages in civic actions designed to bring attention to specific labor and social justice issues. These actions...

Statements from the Jewish Labor Committee

Letter to CEO of Barneys New York
Letter In Support of Teva Janitors
JLC Perelman Statement
Rabbi’s Letter to Gov. Elect Tom Wolf

Previous Events

Remember The Triangle Fire?
Immigration Reform
US Labor Law: A Political Battlefield
Public School “Choice Vouchers” And The Attack On Public Education